Monday, January 12, 2009

OK, right now I'm going to sound like a little high school girl but whatever, I don't care.
I have been alone for months wanting a boyfriend and all that jazz, basically just sick of being alone or whatever.
All of a sudden they think they came all just come at once...(no pun intended) and what am i to do??? 6 of them just think it was the right time to move??
but then of course this is the high school bull shit i was talking about...only two of them are guys that i would really per sue.
both of them are really great guys, but only one of them is going to really take the time to spend time with me, and that's really what I'm looking for right now. I hate how relationships are always about sex and what not. as fun as it is, i want more out of a relationship. I am so sick of being alone!!!!

and on top of that...the child support case is coming up...freaking out about that as well...I guess that's the one thing I should just go with the flow and stop worrying about it, not much good can come out of that...ya know??

Also it's getting closer for me to move, i want out of here so much!!!
I hate living here, another thing I get to wait for!! yepy!!

I want a home not some ghetto ass apartment where i think every night a bullet is going to come flying in one of the windows or something...god really??
I'm not really sure why we are still here, but every place i try to move they keep dickin me around, we don't belong here...we are not like these people
that's why i hate people coming to my house because i think, they will judge me for being here, and its happened before. My FRIENDS?? yea, well that's still yet to be seen, ha ha i hope some day i can trust people again...keeping my guards up doesn't help the fact that I'm sick of being alone



Thursday, January 1, 2009

I want to be with you

I sit here in the night

Staring into the heavens above.

Wondering if Im lucky enough
To be given your love.

Even though I met you Just a few days before.

I have learned so much of who you are

And thirst to learn even more.

I want to share my world with you,

All the smiles and all the tears.

I want to learn to trust again;

Something I havent done in years.

You are very special to me,

You have kindled something new.

I want to feel loved in my life,

I want to be with you.

A new year A new start At life

So, this is me. the beginning of a new blog, a new year and hopefully a new me! This summer i hope(will) start school again at TCC . I have allot of plans for myself, lots of hard work, but I'm sure i can push through it. I could stop smoking too, you never know as i sit here and smoke...any who. Marley is happy. I'm working on my own depression as we speak or not speak whatever. I as most people wish that i could take a gander into the future, and see what god has in store for me and my child. I wounder allot about where we will be in a few years, what I will have made out of our lives. I want so much out of life, I'm still just confused as how to go about getting what I want.

I hope to fill this blog with many blessings this year.